Kaushal Shah
Kaushal Shah
Kaushal’s practice in the main encompasses family, and children’s matters. She is an experienced and compassionate solicitor who will stand by you in your troubles. Kaushal also works in the immigration department. She speaks fluent Hindi Gujrati.
Admitted since 2008
[email protected]
Kaushal's Motto
“Dedication is the key to success”
Recent Case
Kaushal acted for a client in a children’s matter. This was not a straightforward case as both parents had in principal agreed joint custody. Matters turned for the worse, and the father wanted full custody of the children, and the children wanted to live with him full time. Kaushal and the team met with the client and prepared a carefully strategic case plan, she achieved a fantastic result and the client was awarded full custody.
How It Works
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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque.
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